Arthur P. Beattie
Independent Director
Age: 69
Director Since: 2020
Print profile
Board Committees: Audit (Chair), Executive, Finance
Mr. Beattie brings to our Board his 42 years of experience in the utility industry, including as chief financial officer and chief risk officer of Southern Company, a large-cap publicly traded utility holding company. He has deep knowledge of the regulated utility industry, and the risks to and opportunities for our company. In particular, Mr. Beattie's considerable experience with debt and equity capital markets, financial planning and reporting, and enterprise risk management makes him a valuable contributor to our Board and our Audit Committee. His utility industry experience in mergers, acquisitions and divestitures has been useful in helping to guide PPL through its strategic repositioning.
Career Overview
- Retired Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk Officer (2010-2018), Southern Company, an American gas and electric utility holding company based in the southern United States (Southern)
- Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (2005-2010), Alabama Power Company, a utility subsidiary of Southern
- Prior to 2005, served in various executive, officer and management positions for nearly three decades at Alabama Power Company, including as a Vice President, Comptroller and Treasurer
- Serves as an independent director of Southwest Water Company
Age as of April 3, 2024